Bosnia and Herzegovina: Where your new chapter begins.

Embassies, Consulates, and Foreigners' Offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina

On this page, you will find all the important information about embassies, consulates, and foreigners’ offices (Service for Foreigner’s Affairs) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These contact points are essential for foreign nationals living, working, or wishing to visit Bosnia and Herzegovina. They provide support in various legal and administrative matters.


Phone numbers without the international dialing code +387 are only accessible through local/native SIM cards. It is advisable to obtain such a SIM card to communicate easily within Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also note that most official government websites are not available in German. Therefore, it may be useful to visit these websites through a browser that offers a translation function to overcome language barriers.

Embassies and Consulates

British Embassy Sarajevo

  • Consular emergencies: For immediate assistance in Bosnia and Herzegovina (such as cases of assault, arrest, or death), dial +387 (0)33 282 200. If you are in the UK and concerned about a British national in Bosnia and Herzegovina, contact 020 7008 5000 (available 24/7 throughout the year).
  • Web: Visit the official website

U.S. Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina (U.S. Embassy in Sarajevo)

Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Saudi Arabia Embassy in Sarajevo

Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Sarajevo

Turkish Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Italian Embassy in Sarajevo

German Embassy in Sarajevo

Consular emergencies: +387 (0)61 130 032 (only for urgent emergencies, please refer to the official website for further contact options)

Web:  Visit the official website

(On the website, you will find additional information and important phone numbers.)

Austrian Embassy in Sarajevo

Consular emergencies: +387 (0)61 130 230 (only for urgent emergencies, please refer to the official website for further contact options)

Web: Visit the official website

(On the official website, you will find additional information and important phone numbers.)

Swiss Embassy in Sarajevo

Web: Visit the official website

Service for Foreigner’s Affairs

Here you will find information about the various branches of the Foreigners’ Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including addresses, telephone numbers, and jurisdictions. These branches play a vital role in managing the affairs of foreign citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Visit the Foreigners’ Office website (available in English).

Foreigners’ Office Sarajevo

  • Address: A transverzala-Michael Schumacher 8, Sarajevo
  • Phone: +387 (0)33 772 994 – Central and Protocol
  • Email:
  • Jurisdiction: The Sarajevo Foreigners’ Office is responsible for foreign affairs in the municipalities of Centar, Hadžići, Ilidža, Ilijaš, Novi Grad, Novo Sarajevo, Stari Grad, Trnovo (FBiH), and Vogošća.

Foreigners’ Office Banja Luka

  • Address: Ivana F. Jukića 7/II, Banja Luka
  • Phone: +387 (0)51 213 926
  • Email:
  • Jurisdiction: This office is responsible for Banja Luka, Čelinac, Gradiška, Istočni Drvar, Jezero, Kneževo, Kostajnica, Kotor Varoš, Kozarska Dubica, Krupa na Uni, Kupres (RS), Laktaši, Mrkonjić Grad, Oštra Luka, Petrovac, Prijedor, Prnjavor, Ribnik, Srbac, and Šipovo.

Foreigners’ Office Mostar

  • Address: Kneza Višeslava BB, Mostar
  • Phone: +387 (0)36 319 118
  • Email:
  • Jurisdiction: The Mostar office covers Čapljina, Čitluk, Jablanica, Konjic, Mostar, Neum, Prozor/Rama, Ravno, and Stolac.

Foreigners’ Office Tuzla

  • Address: Maršala Tita 36, Tuzla
  • Phone: +387 (0)35 362 491
  • Email:
  • Jurisdiction: Responsible for Banovići, Čelić, Doboj Istok, Gračanica, Gradačac, Kalesija, Kladanj, Lukavac, Sapna, Srebrenik, Teočak, Tuzla, and Živinice.

Foreigners’ Office Zenica

  • Address: Mehmedalije Tarabara 15, Zenica
  • Phone: +387 (0)32 460 410
  • Email:
  • Jurisdiction: This office serves Breza, Doboj Jug, Žepče, Kakanj, Maglaj, Olovo, Tešanj, Usora, Vareš, Visoko, Zavidovići, and Zenica.

Foreigners’ Office Brčko

  • Address: Ciglana 8 (New Police Building), Brčko
  • Phone: +387 (0)49 232 160
  • Email:
  • Jurisdiction: Responsible for the Brčko District.

Foreigners’ Office Doboj

  • Address: Nikole Pašića 5, Doboj
  • Phone: +387 (0)53 236 498
  • Email:
  • Jurisdiction: Responsible for Brod, Derventa, Doboj, Donji Žabar, Modriča, Pelagićevo, Petrovo, Stanari, Šamac, Teslić, and Vukosavlje.

Foreigners’ Office Istočno Sarajevo

  • Address: Trg ilidžanske brigade 2B, Istočna Ilidža
  • Phone: +387 (0)57 224 891
  • Email:
  • Jurisdiction: Covers Čajniče, Foča, Han Pijesak, Istočna Ilidža, Istočno Novo Sarajevo, Istočni Stari Grad, Kalinovik, Novo Goražde, Pale, Rogatica, Rudo, Sokolac, Trnovo (RS), and Višegrad.

Foreigners’ Office Bihać

  • Address: Ulica V korpusa 14, Bihać
  • Phone: +387 (0)37 228 564
  • Email:
  • Jurisdiction: Coverage for Bihać, Bosanska Krupa, Bosanski Petrovac, Bužim, Cazin, Ključ, Sanski Most, and Velika Kladuša.

Foreigners’ Office Travnik

  • Address: Aleja konzula 5, Travnik
  • Phone: +387 (0)30 540 117
  • Email:
  • Jurisdiction: Serves Busovača, Bugojno, Dobretići, Donji Vakuf, Fojnica, Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje, Jajce, Kiseljak, Kreševo, Novi Travnik, Vitez, and Travnik.

Foreigners’ Office Trebinje

  • Address: Kralja Petra I Oslobodioca 40, Trebinje
  • Phone: +387 (0)59 245 051
  • Email:
  • Jurisdiction: Responsible for Berkovići, Bileća, Gacko, Istočni Mostar, Ljubinje, Nevesinje, and Trebinje.

Foreigners’ Office Bijeljina

  • Address: Filipa Višnjića 211, Bijeljina
  • Phone: +387 (0)55 203 032
  • Email:
  • Jurisdiction: Covers Bijeljina, Bratunac, Lopare, Milići, Osmaci, Srebrenica, Šekovići, Ugljevik, Vlasenica, and Zvornik.

Foreigners’ Office Livno

  • Address: Matice Hrvatske BB, Livno
  • Phone: +387 (0)34 204 828
  • Email:
  • Jurisdiction: Serves Bosansko Grahovo, Drvar, Glamoč, Kupres (FBiH), Livno, and Tomislavgrad.

Foreigners’ Office Ljubuški

  • Address: Kralja Zvonimira BB, Ljubuški
  • Phone: +387 (0)39 831 084
  • Email:
  • Jurisdiction: Responsible for Grude, Ljubuški, Posušje, and Široki Brijeg.

Foreigners’ Office Orašje

  • Address: III ulica 20, Orašje
  • Phone: +387 (0)31 714 527
  • Email:
  • Jurisdiction: Covers Domaljevac/Šamac, Odžak, and Orašje.

Foreigners’ Office Goražde

  • Address: Zaim Imamovića 5, Goražde
  • Phone: +387 (0)38 220 018
  • Email:
  • Jurisdiction: Serves Foča (FBiH)/Ustikolina, Goražde, and Pale (FBiH)/Prača.

Helpful Addresses and Contact Points

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia & Herzegovina: Visit the website* (available in English)

Use the contacts provided here to make your stays and formalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina as smooth as possible. These offices and facilities are designed to provide you with support and advice.

If you think information is missing, incorrect, have questions, or would like to provide feedback, please feel free to send us a message at: